Welcome to Daddy University Inc.

Father to Father

“None of us are raising children, All of us are raising someone’s Father, someone’s Mother, someone’s Husband, someone’s Wife and someone’s partner”

 Joel Austin,
Daddy University Inc.

Daddy University Inc is the oldest male parenting company in the United States. We provide information, services, advocacy, products and training and development. Daddy University was legally established in 2004 by Founder Joel Austin and Co-Founder Edward McGee. “None of us are raising children or kids or babies. Instead, all of us are raising someone's father, someone’s mother, someone's wife and someone's husband”. Joel Austin, CEO Daddy University Inc. As fathers and father figures, it has been our duty to carry the outcome of our society on our shoulders. We have struggled to learn what we need to know about fatherhood from men were told they should not be deeply involved in the process. The role of fatherhood in our society has changed as time has gone by. We were once defined only by our work ethic, now we are defined by the rise and fall of the next generation. We thank you all, for breaking the cycle and stereotype of fathers around the world. By supporting yourself, you now change the world through your children. This site will help us to heal our children, change our communities, and positively affect our families. For too long, fathers have been pushed to the outside of parenting only to have unfair expectation push them away further. For too long, we have been erased from maternity wards, parenting programs, family plans, child development, and the family dynamic. For too long, some have been walking away from the problem because of barriers and frustration. Only a man that does not know what his rights are, his powerful role in the upbringing of his child, belief in his own parental education, and his ordained place the universe has given him, could walk away from a child. It is our commitment to fathers that positive fatherhood involvement directly increases the strength of the father, children and the entire family. Times have changed, and so has the role of fathers. Fathers bring so much balance to our children. Single fatherhood is on the rise,instances of stay-at-home fathers are on the rise, fatherhood involvement, demonstrated caring and engaged fathers are on the rise. We are here to help. Some time ago, you would read the newspaper and see on the front page how the community and our children are affected by the lack of fatherhood involvement. Now all you have to do to find out what happens to the youth without positive male role models is to look in the obituaries or jail cells. It is time to act out. It is time to bring together fathers and information. Fatherhood is our passion. For every child to have an educated father figure in their life is our mission. We stand to empower fathers with the knowledge that their mere presence changes lives! Daddy University Inc. is a male parenting education company that culminates services, academics, information, advocacy and products with Fathers in mind. We provide education in ages and stages, a group setting for all fathers to join and share information and experiences. We offer emotional support, quality time suggestions, and help with legal issues and so much more. We also offer administrative and academic workshops to social services agencies on Male engagement and involvement. We are clear that if we are able to educate fathers on their role and responsibility we will be able to cure the world’s problems. We have built a website that is an inclusive foundation for fatherhood. We gather and provide information for fathers to cope with and understand almost any parenting situation. Daddy University provides legal resources, training, parent groups, and statistics on the importance of father involvement in a child's life. Our hopes and dreams could not have come true if it were not for many friends, family members, and supportive organizations. We thank our colleagues and friends who have carried us through all stages of success. Joel Austin, President/CEO Daddy University Inc.

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